A Big Step

A Big Step

There was no education available to women to become doctors but this didn't stop Elizabeth. As a place to start her medical career, Blackwell met with several physicians that her family knows. All the doctors thought it was a good idea for Blackwell to become a doctor, but it would be impossible and too expensive for her. Women couldn’t attend medical school, couldn’t get training, and couldn’t set up practices. This didn’t stop Blackwell because she applied for all the medical schools in New York and Philadelphia. She also applied for 12 more schools in the northeast states.

“I hated everything connected with the body and could not bear the sight of a medical book.” ~ Elizabeth Blackwell

“My favorite studies were history and metaphysics, and the very thought of dwelling on the physical structure of the body and its various ailments filled me with disgust." ~ Elizabeth Blackwell

One of Blackwell's friends was dying of cancer in the uterus and did not want to see a male doctor because  she was too embarrassed. Her friend ended up passing away because she did not get her illness treated. Blackwell was inspired to pursue medicine because her friend told her "you are fond of study, have health and leisure; why not study medicine?" Blackwell thought becoming a doctor was an awful idea, because bodies and illness disgusted her. The hard work and study sounded good to her after a while. She liked the personal challenge of overcoming her squeamishness. ​​​​​​​